Once upon a time, a young German man, Florens-Louis Heidsieck, visited Reims in 1777 to sell textiles. While he was in France, Florens-Louis fell in love with both champagne and a young French women, Agathe Perthois. In 1785, Florens-Louis married Agathe and founded his champagne house for her, which he called Heidsieck & Cie.
When he founded Heidsieck & Cie, he had a vision of creating a cuvee worthy of a Queen. He dedicated his first prestige cuvee to Queen Marie Antoinette and succeeded in seducing Marie Antoinette to fall in love with his champagne. While Marie Antoinette was officially only the Queen of France, she was unofficially the Queen of all of Europe and very influential, so when Marie Antoinette loved something, everyone followed her. She had always loved champagne but when she fell in love with Heidsieck & Cie champagne, she shared her preference with all of Europe and became the first-ever champagne brand ambassador.